Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Fashion....All around us!
Few new items from Ikea and your space will be modernized. Ikea is one of my favorite stores where each time I go, I get inspired for changes in my room. Very affordable and in the same time super modern. Here are some pictures of the few items that I am in love with (new and old)....

Moda....Svuda oko nas!
Par stvarcica iz Ikea radnje i vasa prostorija postace moderna. Ikea je jedno od mojih omiljenih mesta gde svaki put kada svratim inspirisem se i zelim da menjam svoju sobicu. Veoma je pristupacna a u isto vreme veoma moderna radnja. Evo par slicica stvari u koje sam zaljubljena (nove i stare)....

One of my new favorites, books holder.




  1. Love that clock and book holder.

    1. Thank you! I was in love as well...had to have them :)

  2. Koliko se secam bila je jedna mala radnjica u Beogradu na bulevaru u kojoj su imali par Ikejinih stvarcica....moglo je da se narucuje preko kataloga. Nadam se da je jos tamo :)
